Issue in Modern activities , UiPath UiAutomation package 22.10.6 || Could not generate view for NApplicationCard

During the migration, i made the update to the UiAutomation Package version 22.10.6(which is mentioned under LTS version in activities lifecycle for 2022.10) but now the modern activities, all modern activities are trowing error called “Could not generate view for NApplicationCard”

when i downgrade the uiautomation to 22.10.5 then it works. Please let me know what was the issue there.

ISSUE Screenshot :


Lifecycle Overview :

Hi @Krishna_547

Try like this


Hello @Sudharsan_Ka ,

Thank you for the quick reply,

I tried restarting, closing and reopening xaml, toggle modern activities on/off unfortunately nothing worked. Any other solution ?

Oh that’s weird, I have done the same and it worked for me :thinking:

Hi @Krishna_547

Can you check for any error in your output panel after loading the project ?

I believe some dependency for UiAutomation 22.10.6 package are missing.
