Issue in Automating Microsoft Edge

Hi, I am using UiPath version 2019.10.6 from wich i am tryin to automate Microsoft Edge. But wile using Open Browser i am getting this below error. Pls help me into this.

“Cannot communicate with the browser, please check the UiPath extension.”

it is working fine with Chrome Browser. UiPat_Issue


Which version of UiAutomation Package do you use in the project? Older one doesn’t support Chromium Edge extension. Can you try to update UiAutomation to the latest ( or 2019.10.6 default)?


Thanks for your quick reply, i am using below version of UiAutomation into project n there is no more latest version available for this


It seems supported version.

Can you re-setup extension from Studio and/or command line?


I have tried all possible ways to handle this but still no success, not getting why this is happening even i have installed extension.

Hmm… It might be better to contact UiPath support as you use Enterprise edition…