Issue in Appending data

I am building a data table as Outputdt

then using add data row {var_prevfileName,“”,“Completed”,“CAD files”,Now.ToString(“yyyyMMdd.HHmmss”),“Bot”} into outputdt

Finally when appending data into it like below:


Then getting: Table not found: TableName

Please provide if anyone has solution on this one:


Hello @mittal.abhishek

What is this variable Outputdt? Is it having some value?



Outputdt is data table variable where i am building data table as mentioned in my above post and adding data to row Previous file name , new file name , status , FolderName etc.


Can you share more details, or even the xaml file ?


Hi @mittal.abhishek ,

Could you Check the below Post if Appending a Datatable to an Excel Sheet is the requirement :