Issue during launching the UiPath Studio application


I am trying to install UiPath studio on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard. I am able to install the UiPath studio, but while launching the application i am getting the following error, as a result UiPath does not launch.


Error: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)'.
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.NamedPipe.NamedPipeClient`1.<ConnectToServerAsync>d__16.MoveNext()

Few details

  • OS → Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard

  • UiPath version → 2020.10.9

  • .Net Framework version → 4.6.1

As the error says it’s not able to find the method, but i have cross checked the necessary .Net Framework version is installed. I am not sure still why it would give method not found.

PFA of screenshot

Please help. If you need any more information, please let me know.


Can you please check below documentation

Hope this may help you


Hello @Srini84

I have already referred this link

My system configuration is:

  • 8 processors
  • 128 GB RAM
  • 64 bit OS
  • Have sufficient hard disk space

As mentioned in the link, following redistribution are also already installed

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) - 14.27.29016
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) - 14.27.29016

To my best understanding the software requirements should be satisfied, this is where i need help, even after requirements are satisfied still why it is giving the above error.

Okay, may I know which kind of setup you are using?

Is it msi receieved from UiPath?


Yes @Srini84

UiPathStudio.msi downloaded from login


could you please re install the studio.

and before re installing make sure to clear the below data.



I have already followed the same link and uninstalled and installed again more than 5 times as admin and also as non admin user. Still facing the same issue.

Hello All,

Able to resolve this issue by updating the .Net Framework version to 4.8

Thanks @Srini84 @THIRU_NANI for your help and support.

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