Is Uipath capable of handling web & desktop applications including machines hosted on virtual box?

I’m working on an infrastructure management platform, to handle devices under an organisation. it’s a web application with remote actions but it’s executions will be on the remote assets, currently I’m planning to automate the web application with selenium and the actions executed on assets which are hosted on Virtual box using UiPath capable of handling web automation as good as selenium (so that I can use UiPath alone) and will it automate powershell actions inside the machines hosted in virtual box/VMware/hyper-v manager?

Hi @Jothi_Ramalingam_S

UiPath is designed as a comprehensive automation platform that covers a wide range of automation scenarios, including web automation, desktop automation, and various integrations.

UiPath is capable of automating actions on virtual machines hosted in VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V, and other environments.