Is there anyway to change excel sheet name without useing send hot key or rewriting sheet?
maybe just by using codes
maybe, you can use [Execute Macro] activity to change the sheet name ,
just with codes in 2 lines of the macro.
Hello @Seonyong,
Below article can solve your problem,
@Seonyong Here is the XAML importing VBA. Main.xaml (6.0 KB)
And here is the macro code:
Sub ChangeSheetName(SheetOldName As String, SheetNewName As String)
Sheets(SheetOldName).Name = SheetNewName
End Sub
You may have to enable trust. vba - Programmatic Access To Visual Basic Project Is Not Trusted - Stack Overflow
Hey @Seonyong
Yes you can use VB.Net Code with Invoke Code Activity
Look Existing Post - Rename Single Excel Sheet - #8 by aksh1yadav
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