Is there anyway to change excel sheet name without useing send hot key or rewriting sheet?

Is there anyway to change excel sheet name without useing send hot key or rewriting sheet?
maybe just by using codes

maybe, you can use [Execute Macro] activity to change the sheet name ,
just with codes in 2 lines of the macro.


Hello @Seonyong,

Below article can solve your problem,


@Seonyong Here is the XAML importing VBA. Main.xaml (6.0 KB)

And here is the macro code:

Sub ChangeSheetName(SheetOldName As String, SheetNewName As String)
Sheets(SheetOldName).Name = SheetNewName
End Sub

You may have to enable trust. vba - Programmatic Access To Visual Basic Project Is Not Trusted - Stack Overflow

Hey @Seonyong

Yes you can use VB.Net Code with Invoke Code Activity :slight_smile:

Look Existing Post - Rename Single Excel Sheet - #8 by aksh1yadav


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