Renaming a sheet in Excel

How to rename a sheet in Excel ? Can we do this using hotkeys ?


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Check this out … you would need to use hotkeys Renaming an Excel sheet - #3 by aksh1yadav

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Hi ,

Here is an activity to rename the excel sheet.


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Balu I’m getting Error,

How to include that activity into my Project

let me check and get back to you !


Hi @ChinnapuReddy,

I don’t know what happened with old. But here I have attached a new sample. It is working well. (8.4 KB)


@ balupad14
Balu I’m getting same error
I’m using 2017 studio, same error occurred

Before using this activity , I need to update activities or import . let me know balu

You probably need to go to the Activities and install his package from the Community Feed.

You can configure the Community Feed source by right clicking on “Available” and choose Configure Sources:

Then, go to the feed and look for his packages.

Then, close the workflow and reopen.

I hope that helps solve your issue.

If you don’t want to use his activities, the alternate methods would either be to use “Invoke VBA” activity to rename the sheets or use the Alt-key combination inside the Excel file which would be “[k(alt)]hor” or “[k(alt)]horNEWNAME[k(enter)]”


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Actually my Studio is 2017 version, so that I don’t have that option in studio, please upload the documents for this query

some one guide me

Hi @ChinnapuReddy

The option to use the Community Feed and install Bala’s activities should be available in 2017. Invoke VBA won’t be though. Also, you can take the Type Into approach as well that I mentioned by using Alt-combo.

Let me know if you still can’t install Bala’s activities or if you need further help with that. You basically need to go to the Activities tab and find the button that says Packages at the top of the Activities tab, then follow the screenshots I provided to bring in the Community Feed.

If you would like to take the Type Into approach, let me know and I can provide an example screenshot on how to set that up.


Hi @ClaytonM @susbasu

Here’s a code using UiPath.Excel activities. Used an invoke method activity. Goes well within an Excel application scope. (15.8 KB)

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