Is REFramework useful?

I am finishing the “Automation Developer Professional Training” learning plan, and therefore finishing what has to do with REFramework. Along the way I had to do a lot of research and watch YouTube videos to better understand some things and be able to develop some examples. Having said all this I am ending with the flavor that the REFramework is not really used, and that it is old or outdated. All the videos I found are from 2018. Very few are new.
What experience do you have with REFramework?

After publishing I find this that affirms what I explain
Do you see the years that have the questions?


It’s pretty much everyday stuff. Almost every unattended bot’s developed on REFramework and it’s still relevant and used.

Not many questions could not be considered as it’s not being used. It may be because it’s documentation is very clear and the template itself is self explanatory.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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By unattended bot I mean transactional processes. If we develop our own code rather than using ready to use reframework, it will be reinventing the wheel.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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REF is almost used in every process and yes few customizations aare done as per the standards your company needs

but it has been used since long and many upgrades have happened as well but the functionality remind same and the new features are added and upgraded

As studio web started growing REF is not used in it as it is different than studio process and have many different integrations and different ways but still is relevant in case of windows projects


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Ohh… thanks for your answers @Anil_G and @ashokkarale

I didn’t have Web studio in mind… but I’m glad to know that I’m not studying something that is out of use

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