Is it possible to update single cell value of an excel?

I want to read data from Excel and insert those data in the UI application and after completion, I want to store success or unsuccess messages in the same Excel sheet
using classic design activity

Hi @Krishnendu_Paul

You can update the status in the excel.
=> Take Use excel file activity and pass the excel file path.
=> Inside Use excel insert the add column activity to add the Status column.
=> After Add column activity place the For each row activity to iterate the excel rows.
=> Inside for each row activity place the Ui activities to enter the row data in to the webpage.
=> After all Ui activities take an If condition to update the status.
=> In then and else block place the write cell activity
β†’ To update the status as Success, give in what to write field in one write cell activity
β†’ To update the status of Failure, give in what to write field in second write cell activity
Note - In where to write field give CurrentRow.ByField(β€œStatus”)
Check the auto increment row option.

Check the below workflow for better understanding.

Hope it helps!!

i forgot to mention i use classic design

Hi @Krishnendu_Paul

Try like this

I hope it helps!!

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Okay @lrtetala

Then better do with workbook activities then it will be use for classic and modern as well.
In the place of excel activities place the workbook activities. Follow the below steps.
=> Take Read range workbook activity to read the data in excel and store in datatable
=> After Read range workbook use the Open application activity and indicate the webpage.
=> Inside Open application insert assign activity and create a Count variable Integer datatype and initialize the value as 0.
=> After assign activity place the for each row in datatable activity to iterate each row in datatable.
=> Inside for each row activity place the UI activities to enter the row data in to the webpage.
=> After all UI activities take an If condition to update the status.
=> In then and else block place the write cell workbook activity.
=> Take an assign activity to increment the count value count = count+1.

Note : In the Range field of Write cell Workbook give like this.
β€œA”+Count.ToString (In the place of A give the status Column. If it is in Column E give E).
I have given the count to increment the row count in the Status column to update the status with write cell workbook activity.

Check the below workflow for better understanding.
Browser_Practice.xaml (21.3 KB)

Hope it helps!!

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Right now I am not tested your code and in believe it will work,but i appreciate your dedication, many many thanks, i can see you just do this whole thing your self to describe be, i really appreciate your approach.

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