To write into excel after if activity

hey everyone. I’m still trying to figure out how to get the bot to write to the correct cell.currently it is only writing to row 2 or 3 sometimes.

overview of my sequence is:

1.excel scope
2.for each (to get different sheets in excel)
3. Read range
3.for each row in data table
4. if activity that check if status is New
5. write cell
6. attach files into browser

I need to update the spreadsheet such that if the status is “new”, bot to update under the column “remarks” on that specific row.

Hey @Popo

Just Go through with below sample and let me know :slight_smile:

WriteCellSample.xaml (9.1 KB)


hey @aksh1yadav

is it a must to build datatable before we can write cell?

possible to screenshot the sequence as I have issues opening the xaml file

Hey @Popo

No you can just read your excel that will return you datatable.

i just used for sample data. :slight_smile:


is it possible to screenshot the sequence u sent in xaml file? I have issue reading it

Hey @Popo

Sure but just upgrade your package dependency it will work for you.



Hey @Popo

Please find below attached sample workflow which will update Remarks column value to OK based on Status column value. (16.4 KB)


hi @Vijay_Kumar_C

possible to screenshot the sequence as I have issues reading it pls.

Hey @Popo

Why not :slight_smile: please find below image.


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hi @Vijay_Kumar_C

there will be a error under write range that states datatable cannot convert to string.

I added . to string but the bot doesn’t write into excel

Hi @Popo

Please share your flow. i will check and do modification.


hi @Vijay_Kumar_C

I have pm-Ed u. thanks!

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