Invoke Workflow File - UiPath.System.Activities 24.10.6


I recently tried to upgrade my project dependencies to latest UiPath.System.Activities 24.10.6, but I’m terrified with the usage of Invoke Workflow file activity in this version.

Import Argument button has disappeared and only option I found how to Invoke Workflow file with arguments is to manually add entry one-by-one.

Do we really need to use this prehistoric way with this latest version or Am I missing something?

Refresh arguments, which seems like a replacement of the Import button, just clear the Arguments collection…

You are indeed missing something, thats not the intended way for it to work and, in my opinion, this updated way is better as the previous ‘Import Arguments’ button would change your arguments (if they weren’t matching) meaning you couldnt see what they were etc making sometimes finding errors confusing.

This new way should give better control and the refresh arguments option should indeed just populate the collection there with the correct arguments.

Can you perhaps try on a totally fresh project to start isolating some issues that might be causing the arguments to not be populated correctly?

Hi @pelikros

In the latest Studio update, clicking on “Refresh Arguments” will automatically display all the arguments in the key field. This function works similarly to the previous “Import Arguments” feature, but with an update to refresh the arguments instead. It will automatically match the variables to the arguments based on their names sometimes.

If no arguments are displayed after clicking “Refresh Arguments,” save the entire project first and then try clicking “Refresh Arguments” again. The arguments will be displayed automatically.

Hope it helps!!


As highlighted already by Jon and Mahesh, the activity isn’t the issue and the latest experience is pretty much simple and straight forward to use.

Here is how to use it.

Invoke WF Arguments

Thanks for the demonstration, this is how I thought it’s supposed to work and it looks awesome :slight_smile:
Problem is in my project then, I migrated it from windows-legacy to windows together with the dependencies update, and something probably got broke during this process. As I said, Refresh arguments button in not displaying the workflow arguments (just removes all created manually…)

I’ll try with new project and investigate it further.

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Alright @pelikros. You can try one more approach which is:

  1. Close the project from studio
  2. Back up the project.json
  3. Delete the project.json
  4. Open the project by double clicking on the Main.xaml
  5. Let the studio rebuild the project.json with all required dependencies.

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