Invoke process from Uipath studio


I have created a process in Uipath studio and set the Workflow (EntryPoint1.xaml) as the Entry Point. I published the package to the orchestrator and created a process(EntryPoint) in the same folder(Demo Environment) to which my studio is connected.

Then I created a new process in UiPath studio and added the activity “Invoke workflow” . In the process i have added the process name (Entry Point) and added EntryPoint1.xaml as the Entry point.

But while executing its throwing the error Cannot find a process named ‘EntryPoint1’ in folder ‘Demo Environment’.

Can someone help me to identify whats the error here. I have tried by publishing to local repo and providing the local path, still not working. Please help.


Did you set DemoEnvironment at the following red arrow settings?


Yes…I have set it to Demo Environment.


Can you try to set process name EntryPoint1 but EntryPoint, in InvokeProcess activity?


I’ve found the issue here. The activity description is invalid. It doesn’t invoke the process. The activity invokes the Package, so in “ProcessName” field you should write Package Name instead

Thanks a lot… It worked :slight_smile:

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