Invoke Application Scope

1st workflow is login into the webpage.
2nd workflow is for reading data from excel file downloaded from outlook
3rd workflow is for write the data which is read from excel into the Search box of webpage.

how these 3workflow can be invoked in main workflow

I am trying to invoke directly but 1st n 3rd workflow it is opening separete workflow

Hi @avinash.wankhede

→ In the main workflow login to the webpage, use the use application\browser activity to do the web automation.
->Create another xaml called reading data from excel, in this xaml use the read range workbook activity to read the excel file and store it in a datatable argument and give the direction give it as out.
→ In the main workflow create a datatablevariable and take the invoke workflow activity to invoke the reading data from excel xaml, pass the datatable variable to the argument in the invoke workflow activity.
→ Iterate the datatable variable with for each row in datatable variable. Store the excel data in the variables and give the type into activity to write the excel data in the search box.

Better to take the two workflows only because at last we are write the excel data in the search in webpage. The type into activity has to be inside the use application\browser activity. This activity is present in the Main xaml only.

Hope it helps!!

Hi @avinash.wankhede

If you are using use application/browser activity then change the below settings so that the webpage will be opened for once.

Close ---- NAppCloseMode.Never
Input Mode ----- Simulate
Open ------ NAppOpenMode.IfNotOpen
Window attach mode ---- Single Window


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