Investigating Orchestrator Webhooks

How to investigate / troubleshoot Orchestrator Webhook related issues?

For troubleshooting of Webhooks we can follow the below approaches to gather more information about the issue,

  1. Enable Logging:
Add below line in the rule section of the web.config or UiPath.Orchestrator.dll 
<logger name="*.PollyWebhookRequestExecutor" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="<replace_this_with_target_name>" /
alternatively make the below line to "Trace" to capture all the Orchestrator logs in event viewer.

  1. Check event URL Accessibility

Follow the below steps to verify if the target URL is accessible by the Orchestrator

1) Go to /swagger and wait for it to load
2) Find the Status section and expand it, look for /api/Status/VerifyHostAvailibility API name
3) Fill in the url parameter bellow and press enter or "Try it out"
If the response has canConnect: false or anything in connectionError that it's not reachable

Sample failure message
 { "canConnect": false, "hasBadSsl": null, "connectionError": "HostNotFound" } 

Sample Success message
 { "canConnect": true, "hasBadSsl": false, "connectionError": null }