Installing/Activating CE studio on Common PC

Hello Experts,

I’m facing some difficulty to Activate the CE studio on a common PC as the Device ID will be the same for all the users that will be using the common/shared PC with individual account for training purpose only. Any advice or solution? Thanks in advance. =)


Community Edition is user specific and it will be installed in particular user account and where as Enterprise Edition is System specific .

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Hi @lakshman, thanks for your reply. The user will be using a common PC with their own Windows account, but the users tried to activate CE studio on their own window account will encounter this error with this status: License status: Device ID already activated

@M0nk3y - this error has been fixed with the latest Studio version. Check this:

So please request to download the latest Studio version 2019.4, install, activate and let us know if you have any issues in these steps.