Input ":" in Chrome browser

I have some problem ,when I input time format ex. 18:00 into textbox in chrome browser.

The format type is __ : __ , how to input into this textbox. I try to use Type Into activity, sometime accept but sometime cannot. If cannot, browser pop-up message “type time format error”.

Thank you for everyone help.

Hi @JFFrpa

use some delay before the type into and please give as 1800 as the input in the type into field.


Hi vrdabberu,

I already use delay before input data,

I assign inH = “18:00”
for “inStart” (inStart = Left(inH, 2).Trim+“[k(right)][k(left)]”+Right(inH, 2).Trim)



Hi @JFFrpa

Instead of right and left can you check whether the tab is working fine to change the position for typing the 00.


Hi vrdabberu
I think like you, when “tab” for input “00” I not sure is correct or not?
How I can check step for “tab”?

I will try to use method from you guide to me about input “1800” direct to textbox and result to you again.

Thank you

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Try Type Into like this.



I don’t have your Time text box available but mostly this should work.

Ashok :slight_smile:

Hi ashokkarale
When RPA input “18” cursor point back “:”. I try many method for this textbox, it’s not stable. Many times cannot input numeric (see picture)
, but sometime it’s OK can continue process finish… I don’t know why?

I do with my PC it’s work well, but when I implement on server orchestrator. There are problem many time. I take many time to resolve, still can’t resolve it.



Try Input method for this Type Into as Hardware Events and add Activate activity just before entering the time.


Ashok :slight_smile:

Dear ashokkarale
Thank you for your advise, my project completely.


I’m glad that I was helpful. Kindly mark my answer as solution so it will be helpful to other community members.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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