Incompatibility of UiPath.UlAutomation.Activities 23.2.0 package with UiPath Remote Runtime

Dear Support Team,

I am experiencing an issue with the UiPath.UlAutomation.Activities 23.2.0 package, which is showing incompatibility with the UiPath Remote Runtime on my server. When attempting to use this package, I receive the following error message:

“The UiPath.UlAutomation.Activities 23.2.0 package is incompatible with the UiPath Remote Runtime running on the server.
Use a compatible UiPath.UAutomation.Activities package or install the UiPathRemoteRuntime.msi 23.2.0 on the server machine:

However, when attempting to download UiPathRemoteRuntime.msi through the link provided in the error message, the link does not work.

I would like to know how to proceed to fix this incompatibility and use the UiPath.UlAutomation.Activities 23.2.0 package on my server.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Best regards,
Ricardo Baptista


Welcome to the community

You can use this link to download the runtime file Customer Portal


Can go to orchestrator …on top right you see a help button and once you click you would see a resource centre option…click on it and you can download the runtime from there

Hope this helps


Hello, how are you doing?

Thank you for your help. I was able to download the tool and install the latest version, which is Enterprise (Version

Regarding the link that was sent, a message appears asking to activate my account. However, when I enter the key, it returns an error. I have a trial account. Is there a problem with that?


Did you enter the correct key from your trail license?
