In the same computer license activate problem

In the same computer, In uipath version 2019.8.0 comminity, I can use code to activate
but when i install uipath 2019.7.0 version, it can’t activate
error:Number Of Allowed Activations Exceeded.

Is the license local? You may need to deactivate the license on the other version if it is.


Kindly have a view in this thread for more details

Cheers @kiss

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@Mr_Meeseeks @Palaniyappan ,Thanks a lot. I have tried regutil.exe method , but no useful. I think that my license is not local. I user regutil.exe to deactivate, but show me
no code . I try 2019.9.0 version. it work. In 2019.7.0 I need to write email . but another
version don’t need email, just code. is it the reason?

@kiss sorry it took so long to respond!

Do you have your robot connected to the orchestrator? If your robot is not connected to your orchestrator or you are able to use studio without robot open in your system tray it is likely that your license is local. Each version of UiPath on your machine has their own regutil.exe file. (Mr Meeseeks has a hunch) Is it possible that you are trying to deregister with the regutil on the newer version? You would need to use the old regutil then the new one (deactivate on the old, reactivate on the new). If you go to the start menu and search for “studio” do you see two studio results? If so right click and find the location of the files. If you need any more help I got you!

@Mr_Meeseeks Thanks a lot again. I try to Regutil.exe deactivate In uipath 9.0.

Error #15: Cannot read license code: -1094, error description: NSL not licensed
Error #16: Cannot deactivate license: error code: -4212, license status: 0, error description: SOAP invalid license number

Use Regutil.exe deactivate /code=… but the terminal has no response.

when I activiate 9.0 , I don’t need email and just code that it work. Is it new version like this?
I want to activiate 7.0 which need email and code. just show error:Number Of Allowed Activations Exceeded.
I try to uninstall 7.0 and install 9.0. then Regutil.exe deactivate 9.0 ,no useful .
it still enterprise
my robot don’t connected to the orchestrator
IN 9.0 regutil.exe get-info
Error #17: Cannot read license code: -1094, error description: NSL not licensed
License status: -6
but why i use code to activate 9.0 ,it work?