Immediate Retry of Failed Transactions in REFramework's

Hey everyone!

I’ve got an interesting query. In the REFramework, when we’re in the “Get Transaction Data” state, if a transaction fails and I wish to retry it immediately in the next attempt, rather than waiting until the end of the queue, how should I approach this? Any precise steps or suggestions?

Hi @Islam_ISmail

Check this

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You can achieve this with this simple approach.

  1. Change Argument out_TransactionItem direction to In/Out

  2. Add Assign activity into Business Exception and Success Transitions Action section.

  3. Add If condition Get Transaction Data to check if out_TransactionItem IsNot Nothing to check if need to retry last transaction.

That’s it.

Sample code here:
RoboticEnterpriseFramework1 (2).zip (949.8 KB)

Ashok :slight_smile: ,

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Hello @ashokkarale
Thank you for your response !

Could you please explain more about the logic for these steps and how they will achieve the desired goal? I’m having difficulty grasping it.


I hope you have tried to execute this in debug mode.
It’s the logic that if any Transaction Item gets executed successfully or have business exception then we are assigning nothing to the transaction item. This value will be checked in Get Transaction Data begore retrieving new queue item to process. If transaction item value have previous transaction value it means the last transaction is failed with system exception and the it will retrieve new transaction item with the same reference value.

Hope this is helpful.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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