If the current activity takes longer than three minutes, the bot should halt the workflow

i’m using the web automation for downloading the report.Loading time is more than 5mins.if timetaken greaterthan 4,then bot has to halt the workflow.

Hello @chandrakala.productanalys

  1. Assign activity:
    startTime = DateTime.Now

  2. Retry Scope activity:
    Set the Number of Retries property to an appropriate value (e.g., 5 retries).

    Inside the Retry Scope:
    a. Web automation activities to download the report.

    b. If activities:
    Condition: DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMinutes > 4
    - Log Message: “Download taking too long. Halting workflow.”
    - Terminate Workflow activity

Thanks & Cheers!!!

Error Showing:


  1. Retry Scope Activity:
  • Drag and drop a “Retry Scope” activity onto your workflow.
  • Set the MaxRetries property to control how many times the operation should be retried.
  1. Inside the Retry Scope Activity:
  • Place your web automation activities, such as clicking buttons, navigating, and downloading the report.
  1. Add a Timeout for Each Activity:
  • For each activity within the Retry Scope, set the TimeoutMS property to a value that makes sense for that specific activity. This value represents the maximum time that the activity is allowed to execute before UiPath considers it failed.
  • For example, if you have a “Click” activity, set its TimeoutMS property to 240000 for a 4-minute timeout.
  1. Handling Timeout Exception:
  • After the Retry Scope, use a “Try Catch” activity.
  • Inside the “Try” block, place the activities that are within the Retry Scope.
  • In the “Catch” block, add a “Log Message” activity to log a message such as “Loading time exceeded the specified threshold. Halting workflow.”
  • Add additional activities as needed to halt the workflow. For example, you can use a “Throw” activity to throw a custom exception or perform other actions to stop the workflow.


Create a variable of datetime say starttime and then assign DateTime.Now before starting download or load

after the download or load use a if codnition and check if the difference crossed 3 minutes

(DateTime.Now - StartTime).ToTalMinutes > 3

on then side use terminate workflow and on else side continue the process and do nothing



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