In config sheet following Value decides if its Faulted or no:
ShouldMarkJobAsFaulted (Must be TRUE or FALSE. If the value is TRUE and an error occurs in Initialization state or the MaxConsecutiveSystemExceptions is reached, the job is marked as Faulted.)
By default its FALSE: So it will not be faulted. It will be Success.
I totally Agree with your answer Harshith but I came across one question while giving UIARD practice exam question is -
A process, based on RE Framework 2021.10, runs on orchestrator and an error is thrown in the init state in framework\initallsettings.xaml. The project has default values for the settings in config.xlsx.
What is the state of the job in orchestrator?
and According to the practice exam Faulted is the right answer, that’s why i got confused.