Hi, Generally , whenever the bot executes until the end of the code with out any obstruction irrespective of the exception has been caught or bypassed , the job will be marked as Success in the orchestrator
If your concern is about transaction (not clear with your question) then there again 2 scenarios comes in to the picture
1)If you are using Reframework , you need to check set transaction status.xaml file’s code
2) If you are not using Reframework , pls check that somewhere in the code you might be suppressing the Exception instead of throwing towards the set transaction status
@vinay_reddy - . I am not using reframework as well as queue item. I have simple workflow where i am processing datatable, I have used try catch activity to handle exception.
My Scenario as follow:
Process is scheduled through orchestrator, it running fine but in orchestrator job status it always showing in successful status even if the process failed due to some thing.
You were almost done
—inside the TRY BLOCK of if any exception occurs it will go to CATCH block where we need to use a Boolean variable
Like use a assign activity like this Bool_failure = True
Where Bool_failure is a Boolean variable with default value as false defined in the variable panel
—Now in the FINAL BLOCK of TRY CATCH ACTIVITY we can use a
IF condition like this Bool_failure = True
If true it will go to THEN apart where we can use THROW Activity with a business exception mentioned like this New BusinessException(“Process Failed”)
So this will raise a exception the orchestrator will fail
Or if not in FINAL block we can use a IF and the same THROW activity next to this TRY CATCH BLOCK…
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @sandipauti
Hi I am having same issue, i tried your solution, i added If condition in finally state, and when i add throw and tried to enter New BusinessException(“Process Failed”) it throws an error Bussiness Exception not defined