If row9: Cannot find column 9 error

Hi all,

If row9: Cannot find column 9. This is the error I am getting. What to do. Please guide me on this.

It’s a 0 based index, so the 9th column will be index 8. Anyway, it’s better to reference columns by name.

CurrentRow(“Column Name”).ToString

Also, why do you have row instead of CurrentRow? Did you rename the variable in the For Each Row in Datatable activity?

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The error shows there is no 10th column. Can you check number of columns in the datatable?


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Can you verify table from locals panel and check

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Hi all,

The above issue resolved, specified range in read range activity.
In windows version need to specify the range.
Thanks a lot for helping.

Yep thats a change to expect when you are using Windows instead of Windows Legacy.( When you convert your legacy to windows as well)

Happy Automation