Column does not belong to table DataTable - Please help

Hello everyone,

I get an error even though my column name is “fiyat”, what should I do?

-no space at the beginning and end
-column name “fiyat”
-I checked using this code “Currentrow(0).Toastring” and it did not give the column name. the code gives the data in the second row. I tried the data in the second row as the column name, it did not work again.
-I tried it in a different excel file but the result is the same

I apologize for my bad English.

FORD.xlsx (10.1 KB)

Hi @emir_ozsimsir

Can you show the expression in assign activity



Please find the below xaml for your reference (153.7 KB)

O/P :
FORD.xlsx (13.5 KB)

I hope it helps!!


Check on this xaml


Once check the data table you have given

Make sure Read Range Workbook activity output variable you have to give in For Each Row in Data Table activity

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you always help me, it worked, thank you very much.

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