Hello ,
I am getting a run time execution error that cannot find column [Club Member].
please help me for this…
Hi @parvati,
Please check for any whitespace or special characters in the excel column name .
In the Column name “Club Member” there is a space , so what I have to do for that , any syntax for that?
He meant is there any white space in column name in excel sheet other than space between Club and Member
Also try Column Index instead of name as a workaround
Or attach your code so that I can help
Other than that there is no white spaces or special character.
can u please explain me how to try with a index instead of name?
and how to see a code for assign activity.
Index starts from 0, count from zero and see what is the index of Club Member
index for Club Member is 2 , but in the assign activity how to write synatx for this?
Please show me what do you want to achieve or the code
do you want workflow or sequence snapshot for which i m getting error.
If you want to use Index you can use assign activity where you are proving column name as “Club Member” provide the index.
If you want to use Column name, first see how uipath is printing the column name by looping through the columns from the datatable in for each and print column names and see if any spaces are there in column name and then use Column name “Club Member” in assign statement based on the above printed column names from for each loop
Hi @parvati,
If you are using For Each Row activity, then the row variable can only use index ie either 0,1,2,…
So if you consider you have 4 columns like ColA,ColB,ColC,ColD and you want data of ColD, then use row(3).toString. I think you cannot use the column name in it.
can u please see my error in teamviewer?
so that i will also get to know where i m doing mistake.
Hi @parvati,
It’s look like your column name contains invalid characters. If your column name in excel sheet is “Club Member”, please use name.Select("[Club Member]='yes'")
If it doesn’t solve your problem, please share the screenshot of the excel column.
Warm regards,
But i had created the variable name as “names”.
Hi @parvati,
sorry, then you can proceed with names.Select("[Club Member]='yes'")
Warm regards,