If i run multiple jobs at the same time from orchestrator, will it execute simultaneously or one by one?

will the jobs execute simultaneously or one after another if i have multiple unattended licenses?

Hi @ydash999

If you have Multiple Bots Available and have given the “Dynamic Allocation” to the Job Triggers, then it will run Simultaneously.


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are you asking if we can run the job using same robot?

you can run multiple background process with a single foreground process in the same robot simultaneously

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i want to run 2 jobs from my orchestrator in a single machine. can i assign 2 robots to each job to complete both processes faster, or one job will be executed after the other no matter what?

how to allocate robots . i dont have any options in orchestrator.or it is allocated dynamically when run? i have enterprise version

you can use multiple users to connect to the same machine and hence you multiple robots to run the job

Hi @ydash999

While Creating triggers there is a Option “Dynamic Allocation” you can choose that option, if you have multiple robots then that will run simultaneously.

have a look on enabling triggers and setting it up.


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it is showing in my screen.not same as yours

Dynamic allocation is enabled for you now. Any robots which is available in that specific folder will be allocated for running

i am asking if i have 3 different jobs to run in same machine which has orchestrator having 3 unattended licenses. if i click on these 3 jobs, will they run simultaneously or one job after completion of other?

One after another if same robot…

For a single machine you can have multiple robots with different users

Hello @ydash999

You can run multiple process using the same robot if one process is a foreground automation and all others are background automation.

If all the process is a foreground automation, suggesting to use multiple machines installed with robots.

You can refer the below for the first scenario:

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i am confused.if i have 3 unattended license then i can only run jobs in 3 different machines from orchestrator or i can also run 3 jobs in same machine simultaneously where each robot will process each job independently.if i have multiple licenses, will that mean that i must confgure my orchestrator with multiple machine?so unattended licenses that is provided is for each machine wise? can it be each job wise in same machine?

bro here one job will be done after completion of other right? or they run simultaneously?can i assign each robot to run each job independently in same machine? or there is no option for that in uipath

Hi @ydash999

Yes , the License must be Configured Machine wise to run Jobs Simultaneously or the Job will run one after the other if it is running in same Bot machine.


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@ydash999 Here the process will execute simultaneously. But one foreground and all others should be background process.

You can watch that video to understand the convept.This will be aparallel execution using one robot, but the above condition matters.

Also if you are looking for executing multiple foreground process to be executed with same system simultaneousl by installing multiple robots, that is not possible. You have to install robots in multiple machines and you need to create the connection to orchestrator. Then you can assign each process to different robots installed in different machine.

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thanks bro , got that…but my qn is can i run 3 background process in same machine independently by assigning each robot to each job? is there any license for that? or in one machine means one robot will only be executed?

In one machine you will be having one robot. But you can use that one robot to execute 3 background process simultaneously.

It means your orchestrator will be connected to a machine( which is having a robot configured), You can publish 3 different background process to orchestrator and create the job. Then you can allocate the same robot.

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won’t it be slow as one robot is working on 3 jobs? is there any solution that we can assign one bot to each job so that process will be excuted faster? Thankss!

How Many Unattended Bot Licenses do you have ?