Create a Boolean variable named bool_exists with default value as False in variable panel
and mention the condition like this NOT bool_exists
Inside the loop use a GET TEXT activity and indicate that element and get the output as a string variable named Strinput
Set the property like
WaitForReady as Complete
Note : And May be if the browser takes even more time in order to avoid this get text activity cover this specific get text activity alone with TRY CATCH block so that even if it fails it will not stop the loop
Inside the same loop use a IF activity with condition like this
If true it goes to THEN Block where use a assign activity like this
bool_exists = False
If false it goes to else block where it blank
So now as Boolean is false the loop will stop if not till then the loop will continue
May be to slow down we can include a delay activity inside the loop
I have this screenshot in a Chrome extension where numbers appear randomly .
When numbers are like 0.001, 0.006, 0.008, 0.001092 (format like 0.00XXXX) then go to actions that i programmed.
However when numbers are 0.02, 0.06, 0.4, 4.2 then it countinues waiting and checking until next number have de first condition (0.00XXXX).
I’m a newbie with Uipath and those indications cannot interpret very well dealing with my spanish version of Uipath.
Could you give me a image of how could be structured the flowchart in uipath workspace?