I want to move a folder from A folder to B folder in with in share point

i want to move a folder from A folder to B folder with in the share point in UiPath
plz let me know how can i do this

Hi @T_Y_Raju

You can use Move File or Folder activity:

Hope it helps!!

i want to move from share point will this activity work or is there any other solution for it

Hi @T_Y_Raju

That activity comes under UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities and you can use that in moving the folders one to another.



Follow this tutorial video for in details learning and development.

Ashok :slight_smile:

files are stored in one drive do we have to download any package for share point

Hi @T_Y_Raju

Download the UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities to access the activity.
