I published a test automation project to the orchestrator but its now allowing a job to run for this


please help!

I created a test automation project which has few test cases. They are running fine locally and producing the results. I published the project successfully to the orchestrator but when I go to jobs I can’t find this under processes drop down. It is available under processes category but without play button.


Hi @Krsna,

after publishing a process into Orchestrator you need to create process by selecting published process and to create process you need to have environment added with desired bots then you can run process manually or by scheduling

if you did above things correctly now you can go into the job page and create a new job by selecting previously created process

I did that part but the play button not available for this process. Even in jobs section this process is not available for selection.

This is a testing project, not sure the approach for this type of project.

This is now resloved.

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