I have 10851 records in Data Service want to retrieve all data through Query but giving only 1000 records

I have 10851 records in Data Service want to retrieve all data through Query but giving only 1000 records

Hi @Sushma_Jaladi1

Check on this



It is the limitation

You need to create a loop and skip the retreived once and retrieve remaining till completed

For that follow below…create a counter variable and initialize with 0

  1. Do while
  2. Get records and in skip give the counter
  3. Assign and counter = counter + records.count
    4 use one more assign to merge the records mrgedrecords = mergedrecords.concat(records)
  4. In condition use records.count=1000

Create variables appropriately


Hi @Sushma_Jaladi1

After using Query Entity Records activity and check Total Records value. It will give output as Total number of matching records value count. If it is greater than 1000 then you can use one more Query Entity Records activity and skip first 1000 records as you already retrieved it and also append this output to previous output.

Hope it helps!!