I got element exist issue

Used a writeline and Element exists activity in code - timeout is left empty , wait for Ready : None , output variable : blnExists
After element exists, used a “if” condition saying if blnExists is False, throw exception.
Issue that is happening is though my timeout of element exists is empty, I see the time difference between the writeline and throwing of exception is just 1 second.
what could be the issue???

Hi @Shireesha_thorlikonda_20 ,

Timeout does not act as a Delay, it is a Time Period to wait for the activity to work or for the UI Elements to be available (A Waiting Period). By Default the Timeout is set to 30 seconds.

So in your case, if the Element exist on Screen, then it is immediate and the activity recognises and provides the output or performs the action.

Hi ,

Element is Found Quickly: It’s possible that the element is being found quickly within the 30-second timeout period which is default. As soon as the element is found, the Element Exists activity returns a “True” value, and the execution proceeds to the “If” condition immediately, resulting in a short time difference.

Try to give it “wait for Ready” as interactive or Complete.

Happy Automation

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