How we push .xls file data into Database

Hello all,

im trying to take a input of excel file data which has file is .xls file.

and push that data in DataBase.

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You can read the excel using read range and using Execute query you can insert the data into the database. You need to include UiPath.Database.activities packages.

For more help, share what kind of data and whats your datatbase (SQL or Oracle,…)

hope these steps would help you resolve this
–use excel application scope and pass the file path as input
–inside the scope use READ RANGE activity and get the output with a variable of type datatable named dt
–now go to manage packages option in design tab and in official tab search for UiPath.database.activities and install it
–once after installing then in activity panel search for INSERT activity where we can mention the variable dt as input datatable and in the table name mention the table name in your database
–before that we need to configure the connecttion with your database
kindly have a view on this thread for that to get more details

Cheers @swanand_deshmukh

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thanks to all this is very helpful to me

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Cheers @swanand_deshmukh

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