How to write to new excel using write DataTable to Excel

Hello, Can you please help me with writing data to new excel.

I am using latest 2022 version
I am able to read data from a excel and now I want to write the data to new xls.
I am looking for write range , unfortunate I am not able to see the write range option, however I can see write datatable to excel. Can any one help how can can I use Write DataTable to Excel option and write to a new xls. I am adding a screenshot for reference.

@RanjaniS You could use write range workbook activity,where you can mention the new file name and datatable to write.that activity automatically create new excel file and write datatable into it

Thankyou , I tried but I an getting below error


Show me the screenshot of the activity
Datatable variable name is correct?

Hello @RanjaniS

syntax for destination is excel.sheet(“sheet name”)


Yes the Datatable variable name is correct

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Will try this option and upadte

@RanjaniS in excel path.xlsx is repeated and in sheet section just give “sheet2”

This worked, Thankyou so much for you help. :slight_smile:

@RanjaniS if it resolves the issue,then make it as solution and will be helpful for others

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