Hello Guys!
I need to extract a string after a word but is not working …not sure why …
I am in debug mode trying but is not working …any hint please?
Hello Guys!
I need to extract a string after a word but is not working …not sure why …
I am in debug mode trying but is not working …any hint please?
It looks like the json format.
Why you don’t deserialize the json as JObject and then you can use:
token = jsonObject("access").ToString
If you prefer string manipulation, you can use regex:
If(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(str, """access\\\"":\\\""([^""]+)"""), System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str, """access\\\"":\\\""([^""]+)""").Groups(1).Value, String.Empty)
I will tried that … thank you very much
hey bro! Thank you very much! I tried the first option and It works. Thanks again.
You’re welcome. I’m glad I helped
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