How to use regular expressions in uipath forms

I am using form activity in UiPath for creating forms where i am using regular expressions for validating the name and surname how i can use regular expressions in forms.


  1. Add a Form activity to your workflow in UiPath Studio.
  2. Inside the Form activity, add a Text field for the name and another Text field for the surname.
  3. Select the Text field for the name and go to the Properties panel.
  4. Locate the “Validation” section in the Properties panel.
  5. In the “Validation” section, set the “Validation Type” property to “Custom”.
  6. In the “Validation Expression” property, enter your regular expression pattern for validating the name. For example, if you want to validate that the name contains only letters, you can use the regular expression pattern [A-Za-z]+.
  7. Repeat the same steps for the Text field for the surname, setting the appropriate regular expression pattern for surname validation in the “Validation Expression” property.


After click on validation

Thank you, now my problem has been resolved

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