How to use kill process in wait for download activity?

I need to download an excel file from a web page I use wait for download activity but when I download file, file automatically opens. I need to close the file to continue my process. I am getting the “Wait for Download: The D:\users\m_akboga\Downloads\7d8dc1150ac2455ba460c17ce805363b.xlsx was found but it’s in use.” error.
I wrote my code like below

How can I solve this problem?

Hi @makboga

Could you try using the Kill Process after the Wait for Download, instead of using it directly in the same activity scope?

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

I tried this and got the same error :frowning:

Hi @makboga

Could you pls kill process surrounded with retry scop?

In Retry scope properties provide time and how many times need to try.

Hope it will help you…


Use Kill Process Activity after Wait for download and Pass"Excel" in it.

Hope this will work.

Add a “Delay” activity after clicking the download link to allow some time for the file to download.
outside Wait for download and use Kill process actvity and use “excel” to kill process.