How can i kill process before using excel application scope plz ? because i can’t load add in in excel
Use KILL PROCESS activity and pass “EXCEL” as ProcessName property
Cheers @Soudios
can you show me plz ? with an example
in fact, i found this topic Excel Add-In Missing Fix - Help - UiPath Community Forum
and i don’t understand how to do
This is the basic point to be interpreted from that post
By adding in the “Kill Process” activity to terminate Excel before using “Excel Application Scope”, it guarantees that Excel needs to be started fresh…
So before your excel application scope activity use this kill process to stop the background running excel application so that it opens fresh and works fine with ur add ins or any features
Hope this clarifies
Cheers @Soudios
its not clear, what i need to kill ? excel file is not opened before excel application scope
A file doesn’t have to be open for there to be an excel.exe process running. That’s the point of the post you shared about the add-in missing, a background excel.exe process stays running. A process has nothing to do with a file. A process is what you see in Windows Task Manager.
please use kill process with process name as Excel
sometimes excel will be open in background to ensure it is closed we use kill process
oh i see, its not resolving my issue, its not loading the add-in in excel
Hi @Soudios
You can use the Kill Process activity and in the Process name field give this EXCEL.exe.
This activity kill the excel application from the Task Manager.
Hope it helps!!
No, don’t fill in the Process property. Multiple people have posted a screenshot of exactly what you need to do…
if your issue is about addins…then please make sure the excel is loaded as application …these optiosn can be selected in excel process scope
When you are using workbook activities it doesn’t use or even open excel application in back end
If u r using excel activity like excel application scope it literally opens excel application in background
To ensure it opens free it’s good to use KILL PROCESS
There pass value only to PROCESSNAME property as “Excel”
Don’t fill other fields
You mean ''start as a process ? "
ok but its not loading the add in ? Can i use delay, maybe it will let more time to excel to load it ?