Hey there! I want to read the outlook mails, only those which the subject contains a keyword. I’ve gone through some topics suggesting Filter property in get outlook mail activity. Help me with the syntax here.
I’ve tried the below syntax, Kept ToLower because I don’t know the case capital or small
keyword in not a variable.
Hey @apurba2samanta I’ve tried that. But i’m getting only those mails whose subject equals to the keyword. But not whose subject containing that keyword.
@apurba2samanta I wanted to filter those mails if my keyword contains in that subject
for example: My keyword is Morning and if the Subject looks like Hi there! Good morning! How yoy doing?
Then this mail to be retrieved. This can be done by @AnandKumar26 suggestion as mentioned above but i don’t want to read the whole mail box, I just wanted to read those mails having my keyword