Get Outlook Subject

Hello Everyone,

I need to filter out the emails from outlook if the subject contains the word “final” or “last” or “end”.
Can anyone do let me know how can I save all these mails if subject has these keywords in both uppercase as well as in lower case ?

Hi @Binod_Kumar_Biswal, welcome to the Community.

You can use filter property in the get outlook mail messages activity.

Update this filter with the following string:
"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%final%' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%last%' OR urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%end%'"

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Thanks for your support, will try this approach.

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HI @Binod_Kumar_Biswal

The Filter property allows you to specify a string that filters the messages based on certain criteria.

We have few possible way to filter the data in the Get Outlook aactivity.

"[Subject] = 'final' OR [Subject] = 'last' OR [Subject] = 'end'"


"[Subject] LIKE '*final*' OR [Subject] LIKE '*last*' OR [Subject] LIKE '*end*'"

You can also try with Regular expression

"[Subject] MATCHES '(?i)(final|last|end)'"


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