How to use CurrentFile in Upload Files Activity (HELP)


I need to transfer the files from For Each File In Folder to Upload Files, does anyone know if this is possible?


In files(s) field please enter CurrentFile.ToString

Hope it works!!

This does not work

error: ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘IEnumerable(Of IResource)’ because ‘Char’ is not derived from ‘IResource’, as required for the ‘Out’ generic parameter ‘T’ in ‘Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.


Type only currentfile


It didn’t work. I think it’s something different than what you’re trying to say.

You are inputting a string whereas it is expecting a list of some sort (not strictly speaking, but you get the idea). Try something like: {CurrentFile.ToString}


Use path exists activity…and pass the path as currentFile.FullName and save the output in a variable say var1…output you would save is from the field of file instead of exists…path exists gives you two outputs one is exists and other is the file itsef as ilocalresource…the second is what you need to save

Now in uplod file use {var1}

Hope this helps



Hey @gustavo.souza
Try currentFile.FullName

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