I am doing a double loop: for each file in folder activity inside a for each folder in folder acticity. And I am trying to use “Currentfolder.ToString” to get the file name of the current folder.
This used to work but I have been away from UiPath for a long time and it gives an error message now.
Thanks for answering! Can I ask another question real quick?
What I am trying to do is:
for each file in folders, if the file name contains “XYZ”, then proceed, if it doesn’t, then exit this loop and go back. I plan to use the built-in Filter function in the for each file in folder activity and type: CurrentFile.ToString().contains(“xyz”)
However, as shown below, it says that there is no currentfile object, which part of this went wrong?
The message shows CurrentFile doesn’t exist. Can you check it?
And also you need to add () after ToString.
And Contains method cannot have 2 arguments.