How to use C# language in the enterprise version?

Hello everyone,
Now there is such a problem.
In the community edition, I can modify the Studio to Studio Pro , and I can see the option Use C# Language in the Settings–>Design interface.
But,The enterprise version I purchased does not have the option of Studio Pro, so I am curious whether the C# language can also be used for project development.
If anyone knows, please let me know, it will be greatly appreciated.


If you are trying to write a peace of code within workflow then we can use INVOKE CODE activity which supports C#

But if you want to use functions and methods of C# across the activities used in the workflow then it is possible after certain version

May I know the version you are using

Cheers @WangJidong

Which enterprise version are you using?

The choice between project VB and C#, is there after version 2020.10, i believe

Edit : As Yoichi mentioned, it will require Pro license, I didn’t get a chance to upgrade in enterprise, currently using in enterprise trial though.

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We need to get RPA Developer Pro license or Automation Developer License to create C# project.
See the following in details

If your purpose is trial, please use Community Edition (or Trial version).


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Hi@Palaniyappan ,
Thank you for your reply. My version is 2021.4.4.

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That’s the reason we can use studio pro after 2021.10

Give a try with Community edition if you want to give a try for development


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Your response is very timely and valuable.

Will Studio Pro charge users additional fees?
This is also a problem that I am more concerned about.

Yes I believe @WangJidong

But contact once the team for more details and options

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Very grateful for your help.

Glad to @WangJidong

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