How to use a switch to target each month's activities?

Hi to all,
I’m looking for an “elegant” and fast way to switch some operations.

The bot reads a table with several thousand rows.
The lines contain details of a year of work, therefore, they can be filtered month by month.

The bot should then extract the January data, check if there are rows or if the table is empty, then perform some dispositive actions on SAP.
Finished with January, move on to the following months.


the only way I know is to insert many flows for each month of the year, but I would like to know if there is a more elegant and light way to do the same operation.
Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks a lot…

You can use “Flow switch” activity

I’ve created a DT shown below

Flow switch can be used as below, based on condition the flow goes


Happy Automation :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh! Wow…

I have never used this activity. I have to do some tests.
But this type of “filter”, creates split tables?

because the starting point is a table of 40k rows, which contains data for all months of the year, in a single table.

Do you have a demo script that I can use as a sample?

I can not understand how to use this command in my flow.
Does anyone have a way to help me?

I give other details:
I start from a table of this type.

the data contained within it relates to several months of the year. (40k total lines)

For each month, I have to perform a massive search on SAP, and enter values in cells “M …”
I would like to understand if I can filter and switch this table, using the Switch activity, to avoid starting a cycle of concatenated Flow_Decision.
Can someone help me?
