How to use a published library on a 2nd instance of Orchestrator


I am using UiPath 2018.3.2 for both Studio and Orchestrator. Let’s say we have two Orchestrator instances, one for dev/testing and one for production. We also have a library published on the dev Orchestrator. It is used by dev robots and it appears in the Libraries page in dev Orchestrator. How can I use this same library with prod robots? Do I have to copy the package folder containing the .dll and .nupkg files on the Orchestrator feed (default location C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\NuGetPackages\Activities)? Will the library appear in the Libraries page in prod Orchestrator?

Thank you!

First download your library from ddev environment


Then, upload it to prod environment

Do you have a lot of libraries to migrate? Make a robot!

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Oh, didn’t notice the upload button. Nice, thanks!

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