How can I publish my workflow to Orchestrator?

Hey there, I just started learning on how to use Orchestrator. In the training Videos, once they publish their workflow it is available to use in Orchestrator. When I try, it doesn’t work the same for me as shown in the video, When I hit publish I get a Message box stating that my package has been published successfully.
But I am unable to figure it out Where it is published ? I don’t see anything when I type my Package name in Orchestrator nor I see any Uipath Robot Icon in System tray.
Is this something to do with Orchestrator account ? I have given my company’s email Id whilst downloading the community Version and Used my personal gmail id to register with UI Orchestrator.

Thanks In advance.

Hello @Duwa,

Follow below steps,

  1. Go to uipath tray which resides at right corner at bottom(Show hidden icons).
  2. Click settings button(Advanced),
  3. Select Settings then popup will come up.

It has two fields,
Robot key : Paste key from orchestrator that will generate key when you click “provision robot” in orchestrator.
Orchestrator url: Paste url that you use for logging.

Please keep us informed :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

@Duwa,Press ctrl+L in the studio and navigate to uipath folder.There you see the uipathrobot.exe


I don’t have any uipathrobot.exe file in the uipath folder :frowning:

I dont see any Uipath icon in the Tray, I even checked it in my windows tray settings and still wouldn’t find it. There is no uipathrobot.exe file in uipath floder as well. I guess Uipath robot is not installed in my PC.
I tried reinstalling the Uipath and still I end up at the same place where I was before - No uipath Icon in system tray nor Robot.exe in uipath folder.
And one strange thing I observed is UIpath is being installed in AppData instead of Program Files.

Hey @Duwa, Navigate to ‘%Userprofile%\AppData\Local\UiPath’, check for ‘app-18.1.3’ folder and run UiRobot.exe. It should start UiPath Robot in the system tray.

Check this to configure the robot with orchestrator.


Thanks @Rammohan91 ! :slight_smile:
I am able to locate it in the app 18.1.3 Folder and i finally installed the Robot and works fine.
Thanks so much once again :+1:

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thankk u