How to use a local queue through 'Enqueue' method

Dear Community,

Thank you for reading this topic and I hope we can together learn from my recent challenge. Often, I initialize data in the initialization (using Reframework) and then selecting relevant data using the DataTable.Select method and filtering on certain requirements.After, I feed the array of datarows into process utilizing GetTransactionData. This works quite well but I know there is a robust solution as discussed in the the Best Practice document of UiPath I have learned that using a local queue is more robust as it allows the Reframework to work better as you’re kind of replicating the queue used in UiPath Orchestrator.

I have been trying to setup a local queue for some time now but so far I’ve had no luck. I get the error Queue does not have a public instance method named Enqueue

Searching through the community also did not deliver me any working examples. Therefore, my question: Is there anyone who has a basic setup of using local queues in UiPath?

Much appreciated, thank you!


Managed to get it working.

For anyone interested, please see General setup attached.

Main.xaml (13.1 KB)
Caseoverview.xlsx (8.2 KB)