Running Entire Framework File

When working with a complete reframework file in Uipath, do you need an orchestrator instance/queue to run from the start? My project is failing when it gets to the “Get Transaction Data” part of the process and is not reaching the process transactions portion. Is this because I do not have a queue linked up? Thanks.

You can run the framework locally if you remove the references to orchestrator and instead replace them with reading local data. Then you no longer pull the queue item but rather a datatable from an Excel file (as an example of one of the possible inputs)

You do have to remember to change the variables and arguments to match the type of the input that you will provide across the entire framework

That makes sense. I’m fairly new to Uipath and the framework so the Get Transaction Data part of the framework is confusing to me. Thanks.

It can indeed get confusing at first. I’m sure the available trainings will ease your way into it though.

When working with the framework, make sure you understand the flow of variables and arguments, as issues there can sometimes be hard to spot.

For sure, thanks. One more question if you don’t mind. I currently have two workflows in the Init portion that simply open two different browsers with URLs. The url’s are passed through the config file. When I run them each individually, they work perfectly. However, when I try to run the Init portion of the workflow as a whole, I get the error “Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” Any idea why?

It is hard to say without seeing the whole framework, but this error generally means that the variable was not initialized which means you should double check your arguments.

Are the arguments set correctly for those workflows that open the URLs? They need to have it set both in the Arguments section at the point where you invoke the workflow as well as inside of the workflow as an actual argument.


See the example below: (495.3 KB)

When you run it as a whole, it should open the browser.

Just take note of the activities that I disabled that were related to the Orchestrator (these need to be replaced by your local handling of the situation):

I also changed the variable TransactionItem and the arguments in_TransactionItem to a DataRow in all places possible, as locally you can feed the Excel file to a datatable variable TransactionData and then push a single row to the process as a TransactionItem.

I hope an actual example makes it more clear :slight_smile:

It doesn’t let me open any of your actual workflows that are “invoked” but it definitely makes a little more sense. Thank you very much!