I am working in modern design where I am using an Excel sheet which has data of employees. My automation requires “completion status” in the same Excel after executing the automation one by one.
if you are using for each row in datatable then you can get the index of row from for loop properties panel
if in REF then in_TransactionNumber will give it
If using excel for each row then you can ready know the row…
using any of the above index you can use a write cell and write the data to excel eg: "D" + (index+2).ToSTring
will be given assuming you have a header in excel and index of for loop starts from 0 so adding 2
ya after entering the values in the the web page use write cell activity activity
indicate the column where you want to update the values
Thanks Buddy, it worked!! now i have small concern, I am using workbook for its particular automation where I want to assign the name of each employee and get the execution status in write line.
before typing the values using type into activity
use log message
pass value as your variable or value of the employee
actually there’s no typ into activity, i am using data scraping immeditly after read range activity
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