I got an interview question to update the config file with a new key value pair in settings sheet at the process transaction state of the REFramework.
I used the method like below:
Added a new item to config dictionary
Build a new data table
for each item in config dictionary - > added that Key value pair to a data row in the new data table using Add Data row activity
4. Once it added all the data from Config dictionary to New data table, I just written that data table to Config Excel file using Write Rage workbook activity.
So it added the new key value pair to config file(settings sheet). I just want to know is there any other easy method for updating the config file(Settings Sheet) with a new key value pair data in process transaction state?
You can use the Append Range activity to directly update the Excel file with the modified data, avoiding the need to read and rewrite the entire data. However, note that while the values will be updated in the Excel file, they won’t automatically be reflected in the Config variable unless you explicitly add the value.