How to read my config file?

Hello everyone,
I am not using ReframeWork, but i want my process to read config file at first and i can use those variable in other workflow.

ConfigFile.xlsx consists of sheet1 only where i have columns “Name”, “Value” & “Description”

“Name” & “Value” columns are my data which consists of “URL” as Name & “” is my value.
“TOAddress” as Name & “” is value.

There are more than 20 Names how can i read those value and used in other workflows ?

Hi @prabin_chand1

You can copy the InitAllSettings workflow from any blank RE Framework & paste the same in your project folder, along with your config.xlsx file.

In the studio, just drag the same workflow, map the config file & store the data in Config variable. That’s it, you are good to go.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.


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